MacDonald of Glenaladale, John National Historic Person

Scotchfort, Prince Edward Island
Address : Celtic cross monument, Scotchfort, Prince Edward Island

Recognition Statute: Historic Sites and Monuments Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-4)
Designation Date: 2012-06-26
Life Date: 1742 to 1810

Other Name(s):
  • John MacDonald of Glenaladale  (Designation Name)
Research Report Number: 2011-012, 2011-023, 2011-054

Importance: Founded the first settlement of Scottish Catholics on Prince Edward Island


Existing plaque:  Celtic cross monument, Scotchfort, Prince Edward Island

In 1772, MacDonald founded the first settlement of Scottish Catholics on Prince Edward Island. Born in Scotland, he purchased a large tract of land in the Tracadie area and recruited, transported, and established the largest group of settlers in this British colony’s early history. While serving as a British captain during the American Revolutionary War, he learned that colonial officials had secretly sold the lots of absent land owners and embarked on a long, tenacious campaign for proprietors’ rights. Through his memoirs, petitions, and letters, Captain John MacDonald left an invaluable record for future generations.