Street View for Google Maps

Ivvavik National Park

Thanks to our collaboration with Google, you can now explore many Parks Canada places within Street View for Google Maps. Follow the links below to explore some of unique and iconic places in Ivvavik National Park. Dragging the yellow Pegman over the Google maps will highlight all of the trails, cultural sites and amazing views that are documented in Street View.

Also be sure to check out more Google Street View images from other parks and sites in the Western Arctic.

Go Big or Go Home, a trek for the hardy hiker
Go Big or Go Home - Looking South West
Halfway to Heaven - Looking North Halfway to Heaven is a hike that earns its name
Halfway to Heaven - Looking North West
Halfway to Heaven - Hiking up – North East
Halfway to Heaven - Below Dragon's Tor Below the rocky outcrop of Dragon's Tor
Halfway to Heaven - Below Lunch Rock Café
Halfway to Heaven - Lookout Ridge - Looking East
The runway - Looking North
Sheep Slot- Looking South
A nice fishing spot near Sheep Slot

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