Nature and science

Georgian Bay Islands National Park

Lying on the edge of the Canadian Shield, the park islands are home to both northern and southern species of plants and animals. This "edge effect" is evident in the park landscape. The barren, glacier-scraped rock and windswept pines that fired the imagination of the Group of Seven artists dominate the northern islands and northern Beausoleil Island. Southern Beausoleil Island, with its thicker soils and rich hardwood forests is very different from the northern part of the island.


The park at its peak: summer is a time of stunning contrasts at Georgian Bay Islands, when the sun brings out the richest colours of the landscape. On sunny days, the Bay's cobalt waters form a striking counterpart to the light blue of the sky, the pinkish rocks of the Canadian Shield, and the dark green of the park's famous windswept pines. The Cambrian Trail, in the north part of Beausoleil Island, offers especially striking views of these natural features.

Discover unique features


One of the most remarkable features of the islands of Georgian Bay is the incredible variety of plants and animals which are found within a relatively small area. 


Maintaining the ecological integrity of Georgian Bay Islands National Park is a top priority. There are many initiatives that aim to reduce human impact on the various ecosystems of the park.


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