Science and conservation

Elk Island National Park

The integrity of ecosystems in Parks Canada places is to be maintained with minimal interference to natural processes. However, active management may be required when the natural structure or function of an ecosystem has been seriously altered and intervention is necessary to restore or maintain ecological integrity. Active management in Parks Canada places might involve a wide variety of activities - for example, restricting activities to protect sensitive ecosystems, restoring wildlife corridors, reintroducing species at risk, removing invasive species, conducting prescribed fires and managing hyper-abundant wildlife populations.

The focus in Elk Island National Park is on four primary active management activities: wildlife management, vegetation management, fire management, and disturbed area rehabilitation. Ecological monitoring is used to determine what factors are threatening the health of the parks ecosystems and to guide the planning of, and ensure the success of, active management projects.

Restoring Disturbed Areas

Proper post-construction rehabilitation work restores native plant communities after an area has been disturbed by human activity.

Expand the Land

Grassland restoration in Elk Island National Park


Although fire may appear damaging, it is needed to renew forests and grasslands.

Vegetation management

A diversity of native plant species is vital to healthy forests and grasslands. Certain plant species can threaten the ecological integrity, or health, of...

Wildlife management

Like the ecosystems in which they live, wildlife within Canada’s national parks are managed with minimal interference to natural processes.

Species at risk

Through the Canada National Parks Act, all plants, animals and natural objects in national parks are protected.

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