Morrison house

Battle of the Châteauguay National Historic Site

In the days before the battle, while Salaberry was staying in the Morrison house, his soldiers camped around the house. During the battle, it served as a field hospital.

The farm is located near the Morrison Ford, which faced the barracks upstream from the house.

After five hours of assault, Daly and Brugière’s men, posted on the south shore, retreated with their injured to positions at the ford and the field hospital, staffed by two military surgeons.

It is said that from the clearing occupied by Macdonell downstream on the bank of the farm, the Morrisons devoted their full attention to their noon meal, without being distracted by the operations going on right in front of them.

Today, looking across the street at the site once occupied by the Morrison house, the expansion of agricultural land in this region in the 19th century can clearly be seen.

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