Fourth entrenchment

Battle of the Châteauguay National Historic Site

You are now at the fourth natural contour. Remember that the men were placed on the top of the ravine, usually protected by a small abatis. The marching adversary approaching the entrenchment had to make the effort to climb the slope, crossing the abatis while trying to accurately aim a rifle.

It is said that there may have been other entrenchments. Historian Victor Suthren established the most detailed and complete description of the location and the number of Canadian troops. But, by his own admission, his description remains incomplete due to the vague nature of the documentation and contradictory accounts.

Today, this entrenchment is seen as the last position in the protection of the Morrison Ford. Walking on the battlefield ground, it may be easier to envision the extent of the Canadian’s defensive positions as they focused on their ultimate goal, slowing the Americans in their march to Montréal.

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