Recreational activities

Fort Anne National Historic Site

Perimeter Walking Trail

The fortifications at Fort Anne are based on a raised earthen wall in the shape of a star. A short trail following this wall affords an excellent view of the fortifications, as well as the Annapolis River and Basin. This accessible walking trail is approximately ½ kilometre long.


Visitors to Fort Anne National Historic Site take home a wealth of memories in the many photographs and images taken of the fort and Garrison Cemetery. Fort Anne is within a natural and cultural setting that exhibits the beauty and simplicity of this portion of Nova Scotia and offers historic structures and memorials that complement this historic landscape.

Kite Flying

There is often a stiff breeze at Fort Anne and it’s a great place to fly kites. The views are spectacular!

The Parks Canada Perfect Picnic

We partnered with local restaurants on a Perfect Picnic! Pick up a ready-made lunch and let nature design your dining space.

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