Photo Missions app privacy policy

Personal information

Parks Canada does not collect any personal information from end users in the Photo Missions App.

Mobile identifiers

The app may record your Android ID and your Google Advertising ID (if you are using an Android device) or your Advertising Identifier (IDFA – if you are using an iOS device), for analytics purposes.

Parks Canada is using Google Analytics to track user progress within the app (which photo missions are being completed, etc.) with the goal to improve user experience.

Resetting your advertising ID

Advertising IDs are similar to cookies and allow you to be tracked for analytics or advertising purposes. To clear this tracking, you can reset your ID.

To reset your Android advertising ID, Open Google Settings on your Android device by tapping on Menu or Settings and then on Google Settings once all apps are displayed on the screen. Locate and tap on the Ads menu under Services. Tap on “reset advertising ID” on the new page.

To prevent being tracked on iOS or iPadOS, go to Settings > Tracking, turn off Allow Apps to Request to Track.

This Photo Missions app privacy policy was updated on April 15, 2021.

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