Protecting species

La Mauricie National Park

Species at risk are species that have had a significant decline in population in a certain area. This includes plants, insects, reptiles, birds, mammals – any living wildlife. Species can be designated provincially at risk (numbers have declined substantially in a province/territory), or federally at risk (numbers have declined across all of Canada).

Species at risk are in danger of becoming extinct (gone from the world) like the dinosaurs or extirpated (gone from a certain part of the world) like the wolf in Nova Scotia. Species at risk are usually at risk because of environmental or human-induced changes to them or their habitat on a local, regional or global scale.

Rare species occur in low numbers or inhabit extremely restricted areas. Not all rare species are at risk.

There are billions of species in the world, many not yet discovered. The rate at which species go extinct has been estimated to be one species every twenty minutes!

  This is a cause for concern and emphasizes the importance of assessing and protecting species at risk.

List of protected species

What species are at risk in La Mauricie?

The plants and animals of La Mauricie include a number of species at risk. Four of these are now extinct or extirpated such as the woodland caribou and the cougar. Many plant species, although not yet officially listed at risk, are rare and probably at risk. As assessment of plant populations increases, it is likely that more species will be protected.

List of animals at risk in the park

Group of animals Extinct / Extirpated from La Mauricie Endangered Threatened Special Concern


Little brown bat
Northern bat
Tri-colored bat 

Eastern wolf

Wood turtle Snapping turtle
Butterflies   Monarch
Birds   Acadian flycatcher
Loggerhead shrike
Chimney swift
Bank swallow
Barn swallow
Canada warbler
Olive-sided flycatcher
Red-headed woodpecker
Common nighthawk
Eastern whip-poor-will
Wood thrush
Evening grosbeak
Rusty blackbird
Eastern wood-pewee

To learn more...

Consult the Action plan.

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