Visitor guidelines

Forillon National Park

By complying with current regulations, you will be contributing to efforts to protect natural and cultural resources and make Forillon Park a safer, more enjoyable place to visit. Thank you!


  • An entry fee is required for every person travelling in the North and South areas of Forillon National Park between the Saturday closest to June 1st and the Monday of the Thanksgiving week-end.

  • A camping permit allows a maximum of 7 persons or a family with 1 vehicle and 2 types of equipment to camp on a site.

Out of a concern for ensuring the well-being of all visitors, maintaining peace and quiet, and protecting nature, Forillon Park is governed by a number of regulations. Here are the main ones:

  • It is prohibited to hunt, trap, disturb, attract or feed the animals.

  • It is prohibited to remove, mutilate or destroy any natural or cultural features (wildlife, plants, fossils, driftwood, deadwood, etc.).

  • It is prohibited to camp outside designated campsites and a camping permit is required for camping.

  • It is prohibited to make excessive noise at any time.

  • It is prohibited to make wood fires anywhere except in fireplaces provided for this purpose.

  • No person shall enter or travel off the "Les Graves" trail located passed the Cap-Gaspé lighthouse.

  • No person shall enter or travel in the Penouille marsh.

  • It is prohibited to enter and travel on the "Le Quai" rock at Cap-Bon-Ami.

  • It is prohibited, at all times, to scuba dive, snorkel, swim, accost or travel on the shore in the following areas :
    • between the Petit-Gaspé Cape and the boundary line at the Petit-Gaspé park entrance;
    • between Cap-Gaspé and the south-eastern extremity of the Cap-Bon-Ami beach;
    • between the south-eastern extremity of the Des-Rosiers campground beach and the «le Quai» rock.

  • It is strictly forbidden to take a domestic animal for a walk or hike without putting a leash on it, allow a domestic animal to chase, aggress or bite a person or a wild animal and to fail to remove any dog waste.

    Domestic animals are allowed on hiking trail provided that they are kept on a leash at all times.

    By keeping your dog on a leash, you’ll be looking after its safety and sparing yourself a lot of worry. It is an effective way of keeping it from sniffing a porcupine. Forillon park is home to a large population of these animals, which can be encountered everywhere. It happens way too often that dogs let off their leash wind up with a nose full of quills. A leash is also useful for preventing your dog from falling from the top of one of the cliffs inside the park.

  • Scuba diving is prohibited from April 1st to July 31st between the Petit-Gaspé cape and the Petit-Gaspé park boundary line. It is prohibited to scuba dive, to accost or travel on the shore between Cap-Gaspé and the south-east extremity of the Cap-Bon-Ami beach.

  • Horses are prohibited in Forillon National Park except on designated trails, and on authorized sections of the "Les Lacs" trail and of the park boundary.

  • Cycling is prohibited on all hiking trails. They are however permitted on the multi-use trails "Le Portage", "La Vallée" and "Les Lacs" as well as on the gravel road leading to Cap-Gaspé and the Penouille peninsula access road.

  • You are not allowed to fish in fresh water (ponds, lakes, rivers, creeks, etc.). For any person fishing in the Forillon National Park coastal waters, the daily catch (including catch and release) and possession limit is set at a maximum of 10 mackerel. Each fisher is limited to using one fishing line with one simple, double or triple hook. Fishing for striped bass in Forillon National Park is governed by the current provincial regulations pertaining to this species.

  • It is forbidden to operate a personal watercraft ("Seadoo") in Forillon National Park waters.

  • The use of snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles is forbidden in Forillon National Park.

  • The use of drones is forbidden in Forillon National Park.

  • A permit issued by the Superintendent is mandatory to conduct any natural, archaeological or social science research or collection activity in Forillon National Park.
  • Smoking, vaping and cannabis consumption are prohibited inside all public buildings located in Forillon National Park.

  • On all park campgrounds, it is prohibited to consume cannabis beyond your campsite.

  • Remember that seatbelts must be worn when riding in vehicles and that the Highway Safety Code applies at all times

For more information, you can contact Park Warden Service: 1 888 762-1422

Note: this is a summary of park regulations.


Canada National Parks Act

National Parks of Canada Domestic Animals Regulations

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