Calendar of events

Point Pelee National Park

VIRTUAL presentation: Songbirds - Beyond Warblers

Time: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Location(s): Point Pelee National Park
Cost: Free

Participate from the comfort of your own home and learn from birding experts on various topics. Our presenters will be airing in real-time to provide a unique, educational experience for everyone to enjoy.

Songbirds - Beyond Warblers with Sarah Rupert

There are many different species of songbirds beyond warblers. You'll have the chance to learn more about these other songsters that are migrating through Point Pelee in the spring. From vireos to orioles, we have it covered.

To view the live talk, make sure you are following Point Pelee National Park on Facebook. Visit our page at the given time of each session and join the live feed. 

Program provided by Parks Canada.

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