Freshwater monitoring

Quttinirpaaq National Park

Freshwater ecosystem monitoring is ongoing at Quttinirpaaq National Park.

Lake ice thickness and arctic char monitoring

Measurements of lake ice thickness were taken at 11 predetermined locations in the park at the end of May 2018. A hand auger was used to take the coring samples. Arctic char monitoring was also carried out at the end of May, with 20 specimens being caught and sampled.

Lake water discharge and water quality

Parks Canada staff, along with an Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) technician recorded low and high flow water discharges at an ECCC monitoring station installed at the Ruggles River in June and August of 2018. Parks Canada staff also collected water samples and measured water temperature, pH and conductivity at the Very, Abbe, Turnabout and Ruggles rivers at the beginning of July 2018. Samples and data were shared with ECCC for analysis as indicators of water quality.

An overview of the ecological integrity indicators associated with freshwater monitoring at Quttinirpaaq National Park is contained in the park’s 2018 State of the park assessment.

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