Stay safe on winter roads

Cape Breton Highlands National Park

While driving on the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park, remember:
Check road conditions before you head out by calling 511 or at
Adjust your speed
Keep your vehicle in top working order for winter conditions
Make sure you have winter tires installed
Be prepared for changing conditions
Respect road safety and closure signs
Weather and road conditions at higher elevations may be vastly different from those at lower elevations

Respect road closures — it's the law!

Parks Canada will close sections of the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park for safety reasons.

When the road is closed, signs are activated and barriers are put in place.

Never enter a closed area. It is against the law and puts your safety at risk, and the safety of those responding to your rescue.

Safety is Parks Canada's top priority.

Road conditions: 511 or
Road safety issues: 1-877-852-3100
Emergencies: 911

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