
Torngat Mountains National Park

There are no roads, trails, or signs in Torngat Mountains National Park. There are, however, unmarked hiking routes and traditional Inuit travel routes marked by inuksuit. Visitors can explore the park on guided/ unguided day hikes and interpretive walks, overnight camping trips, multiday backpacking treks, and technical rock-climbing excursions.

With help and logistical support from Torngat Mountains Base Camp and Research Station, Parks Canada offers a range of day trips and overnight hiking opportunities in Torngat Mountains National Park. These are tailored for different skill and fitness levels, and there is something for everyone!

Multi-Day Backpacking

There are many opportunities for backpacking in the vast and diverse terrain of Torngat Mountains National Park. Visitors have the option of exploring pre-established hiking routes or mapping out their own adventure through different areas.

Parks Canada has prepared a number of multi-day and shorter single-day hiking route descriptions for visitors. These outline known routes and offer some interpretation of the area. Parks Canada staff have hiked these areas with visitor safety in mind and have selected the best routes possible. These route descriptions are reliable for describing the area that you are hiking in, but you must carry your own map, compass, and GPS. Do not use the route description as your only means of navigation.

Parks Canada also sets up satellite camps each summer to provide support for visitors that are looking for an overnight hiking experience. These satellite camps are big enough to hold 5-6 pup tents enclosed by a temporary bear fence. Visitors can do day hikes to and from these camps to areas of interest, ideally in the company of an Inuit bear guard.

For more information about hiking opportunities in the park, and the level of skill required for different routes, please contact Torngat Mountains National Park or Torngats Base Camp and Research Station.

Topographical Maps

For reliable hiking maps of the Torngat Mountains National Park, we recommend 1:50,000 scale NTS topographic maps.
Also available are 1: 250,000 scale topographical maps. These maps are good for general route planning:
14L - Hebron
24I – George River
24P – Pointe Le Droit
14M – Cape White Handkerchief
25A – Grenfell Sound

There are a number of useful map dealers online as well as the Canada Map Office on-line search tool.

To buy 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 topographical maps go to: http://www.canmaps.com/topo/browse-topo-maps/014.html and select the map area you want coverage for.

You can also visit the Canada Map Office at: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/earth-sciences/geography/topographic-information/maps/9771

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