
HMCS Haida National Historic Site

The Canadian Tribal Class destroyers were very sophisticated warships equipped with the latest radar and sonar detection and communications technology, and thicker hull plates designed to withstand ice in Canadian waters.

Built to Canadian Standards

For their time, the Canadian Tribal Class destroyers were very sophisticated warships. Well-armed, they were equipped with the most up to date detection and communications technology. They were also fast, handy, and beautiful! The Royal Canadian Navy wanted the basic design improved to meet the special requirements of serving in Canadian waters, so the Canadian Tribal Class destroyers were designed with features such as thicker hull plates to withstand ice. They also benefitted from improvements in radar and sonar technology.

The Canadian ships were referred to as "Improved Tribals" and they stood the test of time. Britain began to scrap her Tribal Class destroyers as early as 1946, but with some refitting, the Canadian Tribal Class destroyers remained serviceable and valuable elements in Canada's defense until the mid-1960s.

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