

On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.


We are guardians of the national parks, the national historic sites and the national marine conservation areas of Canada.

We are guides to visitors from around the world, opening doors to places of discovery and learning, reflection and recreation.

We are partners, building on the rich traditions of our Aboriginal people, the strength of our diverse cultures and our commitments to the international community.

We are storytellers, recounting the history of our land and our people — the stories of Canada.


To protect, as a first priority, the natural and cultural heritage of our special places and ensure that they remain healthy and whole.

To present the beauty and significance of our natural world and to chronicle the human determination and ingenuity which have shaped our nation.

To celebrate the legacy of visionary Canadians whose passion and knowledge have inspired the character and values of our country.

To serve Canadians, working together to achieve excellence guided by values of competence, respect and fairness.

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