
Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks

Chapter 9: From Islands to Networks
Panel Recommendation Considerations Action
(9-4) We recommend that Parks Canada, in partnership with the provinces and territories where appropriate, improve regional co-operation with Aboriginal peoples in two ways ... The strategic directions contained in the Corporate Plan provide direction to managers to ensure that Aboriginal peoples are included as partners in ecological and commemorative integrity initiatives whether legal agreements, such as land claims, exist or not. Many of the comprehensive land claim settlements that involve Parks Canada have provisions for involvement or participation in broader ecosystem initiatives (e.g. Wildlife Management Advisory Councils). In instances where there are no land claims affecting Parks Canada operations, efforts are made to establish relationships through other means either formally or informally. For example, the Senior Officials Forum at Riding Mountain National Park involving Parks Canada and the Keeseekoowenin First Nation; Cape Breton Highlands National Park cooperation with the Unama'ki Committee; Nahanni National Park working cooperatively with the Deh Cho First Nation on an Ecological Integrity Statement for the park; and the signing of a Good Spirit Understanding between Jasper National Park and the Metis Nation of Alberta all illustrate positive working relationships with Aboriginal peoples. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. Parks Canada will continue to develop various mechanisms for improving regional cooperation with Aboriginal peoples. Measures for improved liaison with Aboriginal peoples have been included in the implementation strategy that has been prepared for government consideration as part of the normal budget process and enhanced initiatives in this area are subject to the availability of new funding.
(9-5) We recommend that Parks Canada increase its participation in specific local resource management arrangements with provincial or territorial agencies that have jurisdiction in greater park ecosystems. Systematically participate in municipal and regional government planning and regulatory processes. Adopt a supporting role in the conservation of lands around national parks by ... Parks Canada is currently a participant in resource management issues affecting many national parks, including Banff, Jasper, Gros Morne and Point Pelee, but does not have sufficient resources to expand involvement. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. Parks Canada will advance park values more actively through its enhanced participation in local and regional processes which may affect the ecological integrity of national parks. In this work, Parks Canada will respect constitutionally defined jurisdictions with respect to land and resource management outside national park boundaries. The extent and timing of such activity are subject to the availability of new funding.

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