
Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks

Chapter 8: National Parks in the Canadian Protected Areas Network
Panel Recommendation Considerations Action
(8-1) We recommend that the Minister seek provincial and territorial co-operation on finishing, by the end of 2003, the implementation of the Statement of Commitment to Complete Canada's Networks of Protected Areas, endorsed by the Tri-Council of Environment, Parks and Wildlife Ministers in 1992; work towards a comprehensive national protected areas system plan based on co-operation between the Government of Canada, provinces and territories. The Panel has not identified costs associated with this multi-jurisdictional recommendation. Parks Canada is continuing to work toward completion of the national parks system, as part of Canada's family of protected natural areas. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. This question was discussed at the Parks Ministers' meeting in Iqaluit on August 15, 2000. The Ministers agreed to continue their efforts to complete Canada's networks of protected areas. A comprehensive and cooperative protected areas strategy involving all jurisdictions is a worthwhile long-term goal for intergovernmental consideration. The extent and timing of implementation are subject to the availability of new funding.
(8-2) We recommend that Parks Canada, in co-operation with other jurisdictions, complete a nation-wide protected areas gap analysis that will guide completion of the national protected areas system, of which national parks represent an essential component. Base the gap analysis on the principles of conservation biology and the maintenance of ecological integrity (Recommendation 3-4). The focus of Parks Canada's National Parks System Plan is on representing each of Canada's 39 natural regions in cooperation with provinces, territories and Aboriginal peoples. Proposed national parks are generally located in regions where there are no other types of protected areas, thereby filling ecological gaps in our nation's current protected area networks. Parks Canada will continue to give immediate priority to the completion of the national parks system. A national gap analysis is not currently needed to guide completion of the national parks system, but may be reviewed with other departments and governments at a later date to guide further actions on a broader nature agenda.

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