Avoid a bear encounter

Do not surprise a black bear.

  • Hike in a group... most bears will leave the area if they are aware of your presence.
  • Stay on established trails and hike only in daylight.
  • Keep children close at hand and within sight.
  • Use extra caution when travelling near rushing water or into the wind. A bear may not be able to hear or smell you coming.
  • Stay in the open as much as possible.

Be alert! Watch for signs. Tracks, droppings, diggings, torn-up logs and scratched trees may indicate that a bear is nearby.

Use caution when travelling near natural bear foods. Berries, fish and carrion (dead animals) are all food sources for bears, which they may defend. If you come upon any of these items, use extra caution; always report the presence of dead animals to park staff.

Dog safety. Dogs may infuriate a bear, inciting an attack. Your dog may then run to you with the bear in pursuit! Keep dogs on a leash at all times and never leave them unattended.

Watch for cubs. Bears may become aggressive if they feel their young are threatened. Never pass between a mother and her cub(s).

Watch for area closures and bear warnings. It is illegal to enter a closed area. Area closures are posted in places where bear activity poses a danger to visitors. Bear warnings are posted in areas when there is bear activity and the chance of an encounter is heightened. Use caution in these areas.

Cyclists! Your speed and quietness put you at risk for sudden bear encounters. Slow down through shrubbed areas and when approaching blind corners. Make noise, be alert and always look ahead.

If You Encounter a Bear

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