
Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks


Actions To Address The Recommendations Of The Ecological Integrity Panel

Part 2 of this report describes the actions that have been taken, are being taken and/or will be taken in response to the 127 recommendations of the Ecological Integrity Panel. This information is presented in a table, organized according to the chapters of the Ecological Integrity Panel's report. There is one entry in the table for each recommendation, but, for the sake of brevity, the many sub-recommendations found in the report are not reprinted here. Nevertheless, Parks Canada recognizes the importance of the sub-recommendations and the actions described here are intended to address them as well as the main recommendation.

In reporting on progress, the following definitions have been used:

DONE: Action to implement the recommendation is substantially complete.

UNDER WAY: Initial direction has been established and action will be progressively implemented or more work is required before implementation can be completed.

FUNDING: The recommendation cannot be implemented without additional resources and is the subject of a funding request.

In a very few cases, none of these definitions apply.

Chapter 1: A Sacred Trust
Panel Recommendation Considerations Action
(1-1) We recommend this revised definition of ecological integrity: "An ecosystem has integrity when it is deemed characteristic for its natural region, including the composition and abundance of native species and biological communities, rates of change and supporting processes."   DONE. The new Canada National Parks Act contains the following definition of ecological integrity: "with respect to a park [ecological integrity means] a condition that is determined to be characteristic of its natural region and likely to persist, including abiotic components and the composition and abundance of native species and biological communities, rates of change and supporting processes."

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